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Some hunters may worry that wearing blaze orange will hurt their chances of harvesting an animal. While deer are not colorblind, they lack the ability to detect colors like red and orange from green and brown. Wearing blaze orange will not matter to the deer, but may save your life. Watch for wildlife on the road this fallīecause fall is the breeding season for both moose and white-tailed deer, MassWildlife reminds motorists to be mindful of increased deer and moose activity, especially during early morning and evening hours. Moose, found in central and western parts of Massachusetts, breed in September and October. White-tailed deer breed from late October to early December. Moose on the road are especially hazardous. The dark color and height of moose make them difficult to see in low light moose eyes rarely shine like deer eyes because their eyes are above headlight level. In addition, long legs and heavy top bodies make moose very dangerous to motorists when struck.

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Observe road signs for moose and deer crossings and slow down. Do not swerve to avoid hitting a deer because it may lead to more risk and damage than hitting the deer. Moose are less likely to move from the road than deer, so stay alert and brake when you see a moose in or near the road.ĭeer and moose/vehicle collisions should be reported to the Environmental Police at 1-80.

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In the event of a deer/vehicle collision, the driver or passengers of the vehicle involved (MA residents only) may salvage the deer by bringing it to a MassWildlife Office to be officially tagged. MassWildlife is pleased to announce the permanent protection of 186 acres of land on the south slope of Mount Watatic. Most of us don’t work in silence at monasteries or on desert islands. We are almost always surrounded by distracting buzzes, beeps, and conversations-and we need background noise to drown it out.Ī study in the Journal of Consumer Research concluded that, while high levels of noise impair thinking, a consistent, low level of ambient noise can increase creativity. In other words, working at the end of an airport runway won’t improve your creativity, but some light ambient noise will. You've probably heard of "white noise"-ambient, low-level noise which can sound similar to the whooshing of a fan, the constant fall of rain, or cascading waves in the ocean. Technically speaking, white noise is the combination of all the frequencies of sound humans can hear and perceived, put together at a similar level. White noise has been shown to improve both memory and concentration. In a study of children with ADHD, researchers found that white noise boosted the cognition of the subjects. Another study in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience discovered that white noise slightly improved recall.

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And Harvard Business Review suggests white noise in the office environment can help mask that most distracting sound of all: conversations you're not supposed to be hearing. It even works while sleeping, as white noise blocks out sudden noises with its steady background of consistent noise.

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White noise isn't the only color of noise-as signals along the noise spectrum are called. Pink noise, which is focused on lower frequencies and is less high-pitched than white noise, has been shown to prolong deep sleep.

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Brown noise, also known as Brownian noise or red noise, sounds deeper than both pink and white noise and is often compared to the low roar of a waterfall.

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